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Getting started with reporting

Track and measure your customers' feedback by running reports

Amanda Calderon avatar
Written by Amanda Calderon
Updated over 3 months ago

Okendo's reports allow you to access your customers' feedback across a specific time period, product groups, and product attributes. You can choose from the following reports to run, save, or download:



Tracks the number of review request emails you sent to customers and if they took action with emails and submitted reviews

Displays the average star rating of reviews received over a given time

Displays the number of reviews received within a specific amount of time and their respective star rating

Analyzes the language within your customers' reviews and shows how many contained positive, negative, mixed, or neutral sentiments

Shows all the orders where a customer redeemed a coupon and the dollar amount

To generate a report

  1. Open your Okendo app.

  2. Click Reports in the sidebar.

  3. Click the tab for the report you want to generate.

  4. Apply a filter to tailor the data that you see on the report.

  5. Click Generate.

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