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Applying Filters to Reports

Choose the data that you want to see on your report by adding filters

Amanda Calderon avatar
Written by Amanda Calderon
Updated over 11 months ago
Available on the Power plan and above

You can choose to add filters to a report so that it only displays the information that you want to see. You can choose to filter most of the reports by product or by attributes (except for the Mail report).

To filter a report

  1. Navigate to the Reporting page, and then click one of the following report tabs:

  2. Under Filters, click the +Add Filter button.

  3. In the Filter Type drop-down list, select an option, and then do the following:

If you select 'Product'

If you select 'Attribute'

  1. Click Choose Product

  2. Select a product

  3. Click Done.

  1. Click Choose Attribute.

  2. Select the attribute in the drop-down list.

  3. Under Allowed Values, click each value that you want to use for the scope of your report or click Select all to include all the values.

  4. Click Done.

5. Click Generate to run the report with the selected filters.

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