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Quizzes: Increase Quiz Impressions
Chris MaGill avatar
Written by Chris MaGill
Updated over 11 months ago

Impressions are measured simply as the number of times a quiz is viewed. Ultimately, the more quiz impressions, the more quiz-takers, completions, and conversions. You can think of your quiz like a funnel, with impressions at the top–more volume at the top translates to more engagement all the way through the rest of the process. While impressions vary widely from merchant to merchant, you should expect your start rate (the ratio of quiz starts to impressions) to be about 10% as a benchmark.

In this article, we'll cover:


The best way to improve the number of impressions for a quiz is to promote it in as many places as possible so that you’re driving the maximum amount of traffic to it. We cover several of these promotional tactics in our Quizzes Best Practices article and will link to them below as well.

1. Owned Marketing Channels

Utilize your owned marketing channels, which typically include Email and SMS (as well as Push notifications if you have an app).

  • Include a link to a quiz when welcoming new users to a store to help them quickly find a relevant product if they're not familiar with your catalogue yet.

  • A link can also be sent to users who have abandoned their cart to help them restart their buying journey.

2. On-site Promotion

Maximize visibility and engagement on-site by:

  • Embedding the quiz on the store's homepage.

  • Including a link in the navigation menu or site footer.

  • Testing creative CTAs such as "Find Your Perfect Style" as opposed to just describing the quiz.

  • Placing the quiz in additional locations throughout the shopping journey (i.e. in contextually relevant locations like a Collections page or a special offer landing page.

3. Ads & Social Media

Leverage your social channels and paid ads to drive external traffic to your quiz. Because quizzes are such great conversion tools, we highly recommend testing campaigns that point to your quiz instead of your home page or a generic landing page.

  • Add a quiz link to your Facebook community page

  • Share a post or story on Instagram/X/TikTok offering an incentive for those who complete the quiz

  • Run paid ads through Google, Social, or elsewhere to drive quiz traffic.

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