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Quizzes: Increase Email Acquisitions
Chris MaGill avatar
Written by Chris MaGill
Updated over 11 months ago

If one of your quiz goals is to acquire new subscribers for your marketing list, then you’ll want to track the email capture rate. This rate compares the number of emails captured to the total number of quiz completions. Below, we will cover a few simple recommendations to increase your email capture rate.

In this article, we'll cover:


1. Offer Rewards

In addition to being a great tactic for increasing quiz completion rates, offering a reward can help incentivize a user to enter their email address. They may be hesitant to provide this information normally, but adding a reward makes it a more worthwhile exchange–they know they’re getting something of value on the other side.

2. Require Email

If you highly value capturing emails from every quiz-taker (more so than quiz completions or conversions), then you should select the option to “Require Customer Email”. This ensures that every quiz-taker who wants to complete the quiz must submit their email address. However, this has its drawbacks–as the initial statement above implies, requiring email addresses may serve to decrease overall completions and conversions since you’ll likely experience a higher drop-off rate. Users may also be more likely to provide a fake email address just to get past this step.

3. Adjust Email Question Text

Customer education and communication are key, and that rings true when asking for an email address as well. Provide a more detailed email question explaining why you require this information and the benefit to the quiz-taker if they provide it. For example, you can explain that by providing their email address you will be able to share their recommendations to their inbox so they won’t lose them. Or, if you enable the “Ask for marketing consent” option, you can also explain all the benefits they’ll receive as a subscriber, such as access to sales and promotions they’d otherwise miss out on.

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