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Okendo Quizzes Best Practices
Amanda Calderon avatar
Written by Amanda Calderon
Updated over a year ago

Okendo Quizzes is a powerful tool for e-commerce businesses to engage customers, understand their preferences, and drive sales. This article provides a step-by-step guide to creating an effective quiz that enhances the customer experience and boosts conversion rates.

In this article, you’ll learn about:

Plan Your Quiz

1. Identify Your Objectives:

Before diving into quiz creation, clearly define your objectives. Are you looking to gather customer preferences, recommend products, improve the path to purchase, or increase user engagement? Understanding your goals will shape the structure and content of your quiz.

2. Know Your Audience:

Consider your target audience's demographics, interests, and shopping behaviors. Tailor your quiz content to resonate with your specific customer base, ensuring relevance and engagement.

3. Choose a Quiz Type:

Select a quiz type that aligns with your goals. Common e-commerce quiz types include:

  • Product finders

  • Style quizzes

  • Gift finders

  • Product compatibility quizzes

Each type serves a unique purpose in guiding customers through their purchasing journey.

4. Define Quiz Questions:

Craft clear, concise, and relevant questions that align with your quiz type. Use a mix of question formats, such as multiple-choice, image-based, and rating scales, to keep the quiz engaging and dynamic.

5. Showcase Product Variety:

If you offer a diverse range of products, use the quiz to showcase your product variety. Create questions that lead customers to different product categories, ensuring they discover the breadth of your offerings.

6. Personalize Recommendations:

Based on quiz responses, provide personalized product recommendations. Tailor these suggestions to match customer preferences, creating a more personalized and enjoyable shopping experience.

7. Leverage Quiz Data:

Collect valuable data from quiz responses. Use this information to improve product offerings, refine marketing strategies, and enhance customer personalization. Be transparent about how you'll use the data to build trust.

8. Test and Iterate:

Before launching your quiz, conduct thorough testing to identify and resolve any issues. Pay attention to user feedback and iterate on the quiz based on real user experiences.

9. Promote Your Quiz:

Utilize various marketing channels to promote your quiz. Incorporate it into email campaigns, social media posts, and on your website. Consider offering incentives, such as discounts or exclusive access, to encourage participation.

Quiz Ideas

Product Finder Quiz

Goal: Assist shoppers in finding the most suitable products.
Example: Seahorse Emporium's quiz helps customers choose the right seahorse variety based on preferences.

Bundle Builder Quiz

Goal: Facilitate the creation of product bundles.

Example: A merchant offering rings, belts, and wallets creates a "Build Your Bundle" quiz for personalized combinations.

Holiday Gift Finder Quiz

Goal: Aid customers in selecting gifts for others.

Example: A holiday-themed quiz for a pretzel and waffle merchant to guide shoppers in choosing the perfect gifts.

Compatibility Quiz

Goal: Assist customers in finding compatible products or accessories.

Example: A phone case merchant uses a "Find Your Case" quiz to match customers with the perfect case for their specific phone model.

New Customer Quiz

Goal: Collect valuable zero-party data from new customers.

Example: Incorporate the quiz into welcome or post-purchase campaigns to proactively build customer profiles.

Personalized Recommendations Quiz

Goal: Provide personalized product recommendations based on customer preferences.

Example: Redirect quiz-takers to relevant educational content or display customized product suggestions for a more personalized experience.

Build Your Quiz





Number of questions

  • 5 - 10 questions are typical for most quizzes. This length is a good balance of collecting enough detail to provide strong recommendations without disengaging or overwhelming a quiz taker.

  • This is only a guide, fewer or more questions may be required depending on the brand or vertical. Be mindful of striking a balance between gathering required information and maintaining user engagement.


Utilize question branching

  • Where applicable, employ branching to ask deeper or different questions depending on what was previously answered.

  • Quiz takers can also be skipped directly to their recommendation depending on their answer to a question. This can save them time from answering questions that may not be relevant.


Include data collection questions

  • Ask a few questions for data collection which may not be used for the recommendation logic. E.g. demographic information, interests and behavioral questions.

  • Additional questions can also make the quiz appear more sophisticated in how it is recommending the products.


Utilize images in question options

  • Add images to question options where applicable to provide a more engaging experience to quiz takers.

  • Experiment with the different layout options (Side by Side, Tags, Stacked & Circles) to find the best one for your quiz.

  • Images can also help quiz-takers understand the options better e.g. different hair types or skin shades.


Keep the language simple

  • It’s important the quiz takers can quickly read and understand each question. Avoid overly complex language and aim to be concise.


Ensure questions are up to date

  • Keep the quiz’s content up to date in line with the brand and products available on the store.


Number of recommendations

  • Include the products and product combinations in the recommendations that have the most value in a quiz rather than all the products on a store.

  • 10 - 20 recommendation pages is a good range and balances providing relevant recommendations without being difficult to manage.

  • Typically include a maximum of 5 - 6 products on each page.


Ensure recommendations are up to date

  • If products are no longer sold or out of stock long term, remove them from the recommendation pages.

  • Introduce new products to recommend as needed.


Optimize recommendations based on purchases

  • After the quiz has been live for some time, analyze the data and understand whether the recommendations are optimized.

  • If the quiz is converting but the products being purchased are not what’s recommended then look to adjust the products on each recommendation page or the logic to display them.


Consistency across pages

  • After styling the quiz according to your brand’s guidelines, have a look to ensure that the colors, fonts and imagery are consistent across all pages.

  • Consistent styling according to a brand’s guidelines ensures the quiz feels native to a store and a natural extension of the website.

Show product star ratings on the recommendations page

  • If you are using Okendo Reviews, review ratings can be displayed on a quiz’s recommendation page below each product.

  • Ensure the ratings are turned on for social proof and to improve conversion rates.

Promote Your Quiz

Creating a compelling e-commerce quiz is just the first step; to maximize its impact, you need a robust launch and promotion strategy. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to effectively promote your quiz across various channels:

1. Ads: Drive Targeted Traffic

Ads are a powerful tool to attract new visitors directly to your quiz, gathering valuable zero-party data. Consider the following ad options:

  • Google Ads Campaign: Target specific keywords related to your products or industry.

  • Social Media Video Ads: Utilize platforms like Instagram and TikTok to create engaging video ads promoting your quiz.

  • Image/Display Ads: Place visually appealing ads on popular websites to reach a broader audience.

2. On-Site Promotion: Capture Existing Traffic

Promote your quiz directly on your website to capture the attention of existing visitors:

  • Header/Navigation: Feature a prominent link to the quiz in the header or main navigation for high visibility.

  • Footer: Include a quiz link in the footer for consistent visibility across all pages.

  • Home Page Section: Create an eye-catching section on your home page dedicated to promoting the quiz.

  • Dedicated Landing Page: Ensure the quiz has its own landing page, especially if promoted externally or through ads.

3. Owned Marketing Channels: Engage Your Audience

Leverage your owned marketing channels to connect with your audience:

  • Announcement: Send a general announcement to your engaged email and SMS subscribers, encouraging them to try the quiz.

  • Welcome Series: Introduce the quiz to new subscribers by including it in your welcome series emails. Segment prompts based on whether they've made a purchase.

  • Product/Cart Abandonment: Promote the quiz in abandonment emails, suggesting it as an alternative for customers who didn't complete a purchase.

  • Broadcast Campaigns: Regularly feature the quiz in your broadcast marketing campaigns. Segment the audience to target specific subscriber groups, maximizing relevance.

4. Consistent Messaging: Tailor to Customer Journey

Ensure your messaging aligns with where customers are in their journey:

  • First Purchase or Recent Quiz-Takers: Hide quiz promotions from recent purchasers or those who have recently taken a quiz to avoid redundancy.

  • Non-Purchasers or Inactive Subscribers: Dynamically highlight the quiz in broadcast campaigns for subscribers who haven't made a purchase or engaged in a while.

Promotion Best Practices





Ensure the quiz has good visibility on-site

  • After a quiz is installed on-site, maximize quiz engagement by linking it in the header, footer or embedding it on the homepage.

  • Hiding the quiz in sub-menus can negatively affect its engagement.


Have a strong call to action

  • Make the call to action relevant to your store and convey the value of the quiz to a visitor. A strong call to action will increase engagement with your quiz. E.g. Instead of the link stating “Coffee Quiz”, use “Find your perfect blend.”


Drive traffic to the quiz

Utilize multiple marketing channels to drive traffic to the quiz. Quizzes are particularly good for educating and pushing new visitors down the purchase funnel. Example channels to promote quizzes in include:

  • Email marketing

  • Organic social media

  • Paid media

  • Blogs/Marketing


Integrate with Klaviyo

If you have a Klaviyo account, ensure you integrate with Okendo to take advantage of the following Quizzes functionality:

  • Send recommendations to customers’ emails after quiz completion.

  • Send a coupon to customers’ email after quiz completion.

  • Follow up/re-market to customers who have completed a quiz but did not purchase a product.

  • Promote upsells or new products to customers who have previously completed a quiz and purchased a product.

  • Create customer segments based on individual quiz answers.

  • Create customer segments based on recommended products.

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