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Modifying a Survey
Amanda Calderon avatar
Written by Amanda Calderon
Updated over a week ago

We recommend that you don't edit a live survey because it could affect your results. Otherwise, you can edit the name, question type, settings, and conditions. You can update the channel settings for a survey by adding the same survey to a different channel. This allows you to distribute a single survey in a variety of ways to maximize the number of responses you receive.

Watch this video to learn more:

In this article, you'll learn how to:

Edit a survey

  1. Go to Surveys > Survey List.

  2. Find the survey you want to edit in the list.

  3. Expand the Actions menu and select Edit Questions.

  4. Modify your survey by changing these elements:

    • Name

    • Question type

    • Question settings

    • Conditions

    Note: If you want to edit a profile question, go to Profiles > Profile Questions. Click here to learn more.

  5. Click Save.

Change the question order in a survey

You can rearrange the order of the questions in your survey. Note that when you move conditionalized questions around, you'll need to update the skip to and Otherwise continue to conditions before you can save your changes.

Using the up and down arrows

  1. Click Edit Questions in the Actions menu.

  2. You can do any of the following:

    • Move a question up by clicking the up arrow.

    • Move the question down by clicking the down arrow.

    • Update any conditions within a question.

  3. Click Save.


  1. Click Edit Questions in the Actions menu.

  2. Click Quick-Reorder Questions in the Actions menu to the right of the survey title.

  3. Drag and drop the questions in your preferred order and click Apply.

    Note: Any issues with conditions applied as a result of changing the question order will be flagged before being able to save the survey.

Inserting a new question between existing questions

  1. Hover in between two existing questions and click the '+' button.

  2. Choose to insert either a New Question or to link a Profile Question.

Delete a question from a survey

Keep in mind that when you delete a question from a survey, you may need to update the skip to and Otherwise continue to options within conditionalized questions before you can save your changes.

To delete a question, click the X to the right of the question.

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