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Creating an On-Site Survey
Amanda Calderon avatar
Written by Amanda Calderon
Updated over a year ago

Engage visitors on your store's site with in-the-moment surveys that can generate continuous streams of actionable customer data. You can customize an on-site survey to appear on a specific page on your site. This enables you to collect preferences and insights from potential customers about their shopping experience and the products and services you offer.

In this article, you'll learn how to:

Before you begin

You'll need to create a survey before you can add it to a channel. Click here to learn more.

Preview your survey as you make changes

The interactive preview shows you the style and format of the survey and how it will work when participants take it. You can click through each question to test the survey. And each time you add a new question, the preview automatically refreshes and returns to the first question to run through the whole survey.

Note: Click here to learn more about styling your survey to match your brand and to see how it will look in the preview window.

Create an on-site survey

  1. Go to Surveys > Channels > On-Site.

  2. Click + Add Survey.

  3. Select a survey in the Survey Questions drop-down list.

  4. Enter a Description.

  5. Define where you want to position the survey on the page in the Position menu.

  6. Toggle Require customers to provide email address to enforce customers to provide their email address before submitting a survey. If the setting is turned off, the email address question can be manually included in the survey but will be skippable.

  7. Toggle on the Show logo on questions to display your brand's logo at the top of the survey. To learn how to add your logo, click here.

  8. Click Add to save your changes.

Position your on-site survey

You can determine where on a page your on-site survey will appear.

  1. In the Style drop-down list, choose if you want your on-site survey to appear as a pop-up or as an embedded modal on the page.

  2. In the Position drop-down list, select where you want to position your survey on the page.

  3. Click Save if you're done making changes or continue to the next step, Set display conditions.

Set display conditions

The display conditions determine who will see your on-site survey, where it will appear on the page, and how often it will appear to your customers.

  1. Click the Conditions tab.

  2. In the When drop-down list, select the action that must occur in order for the on-site survey to trigger and appear on the specified page.

  3. In the Who drop-down list, select the condition that customers must meet to see your survey.

  4. In the Where drop-down list, select to display the survey on all pages or selected pages. If you are selecting specific pages, click + Select Page to choose from existing Product Pages or Collection Pages on your store. A custom URL can also be added matching a specific directory on your domain. You'll need to add an asterisk (*) after the URL directory to match any page that contains the directory but doesn't exactly match it. For example, /collections* will match /collections/skincare.

  5. In the How Often drop-down list, select an option to set how many times your customer will see your survey.

  6. Continue to configure rewards and customize the Intro and Outro pages.

  7. Click Add.

Understand the different 'When' conditions

By setting the 'When' condition, you can select the action that triggers your on-site survey.


Triggers on-site survey when

Immediately after page loads

A customer loads the specified page in your store.

On intent to leave

A shopper starts to navigate away from your site by moving their cursor outside of the browser’s viewport or viewing area.

Page is scrolled

A shopper scrolls down a page. This condition defines the percentage of the page that the shopper must scroll through before the survey displays.

You can use this condition to ensure your shopper engages with content further down a page before responding to a survey.

Product added to cart

A shopper adds a product to their cart. This condition defines whether the survey appears for any product they add to a cart or for selected products from your store. Surveys can be shown to the user in-moment enquiring why they intended to purchase that product

Product removed from cart

When the user removes a product from their cart, the survey will display. Define whether the survey will show on any product being removed from a cart or selected products from your store. Surveys can be shown to the user in-moment enquiring why they did not proceed with purchasing that product.

Time on page exceeds

Define the amount of time that a user must spend on a page before the survey is displayed. This can be useful to ensure a user has engaged with page content for a certain period of time before answering a survey.

Custom event is fired

If one of the existing condition types does not meet your needs, a custom event condition can be used. Set the event name and trigger the below Javascript code when a custom interaction occurs on the website.


This condition respects Connect's standard display rules such as not re-appearing if a user has dismissed a survey or answered the survey within a session.

If you would like to force the survey to show based on the event being triggered and ignore the standard display rules, adjust the code to the below:


okeConnectApi.raiseCustomEvent('{{event_name}}', true)

Set the survey frequency

The frequency in which a survey will be displayed to a user can be controlled using the How Often condition. The three options which can be configured are:

  • Every time even if answered

  • Every time until answered

  • Once

A customer may be eligible to view multiple surveys in a session. A session will end after the browser tab or window is closed.

However, a survey will not be automatically shown to a customer in a session again if it is dismissed. A survey can be dismissed by a customer by clicking or tapping the close button in the top right corner. If the popover display mode is selected, the survey will be minimized to a bubble in the corner of the screen where it was configured to launch from.

The answered survey as well as other eligible surveys will also not be shown to a user again during a session.

Change the survey priority

Visitors who meet the conditions for more than one survey will be shown the first in the channel list. Click the Reorder button and drag the surveys up and down to change the order of priority.

Note: Special rules exist when multiple surveys have been configured to be shown on the same page using the following When conditions relating to a page load:

  • Immediately after the page loads

  • Page is scrolled

  • Time on page exceeds

Only the top priority survey which has not already been answered will display on a specific page. This ensures that new surveys do not replace already displayed surveys on a page which may be in process of being answered.

For example, three surveys are set up to load on the same page with three page load When conditions.

They are ordered in the priority below:

Survey 1 - Time on page exceeds 10 seconds

Survey 2 - Page is scrolled to 30%

Survey 3 - Immediately after the page loads

Only Survey 1 will be displayed to a customer during a session since it has the highest priority even if the other conditions are met.

Configure Rewards

Increase the number of survey responses you receive by incentivizing your customers. You can configure a survey to reward your customers when they complete it. Your customer will see a coupon code on the Outro page and they'll also receive an email with the coupon code.

Note: Reward options are available only for post-checkout, on-site, and shareable link surveys and you can only offer coupons at this time (no loyalty points).

  1. Click the Rewards tab.

    Note: When you click the tab, it automatically toggles on the rewards option.

  2. In the Discount field, specify the amount and choose between percentage (%) or dollar amount ($) off their next purchase.

  3. In the Minimum purchase field, specify the minimum purchase amount, if any, that your customers must meet to use the discount.

  4. In the Expires after field, select the number of days that your customer has to use the discount before it expires.

  5. (Optional) In the Applies to collection field, select a collection where the customer can use their discount. If no collection is selected, your customer can use the discount for any product.

  6. In the Description box, enter the text that participants will see once they complete the survey and earn their reward.

Custom Coupon Reward Messaging

Coupon messaging can be adjusted to better align with a store's brand. Set custom text for the following fields on the recommendation page:

Earning Confirmation: The text that displays once a coupon is generated. E.g. You’ve earned a coupon!

Coupon Reveal Text: The text that displays the user is prompted to enter their email to view the coupon code. E.g. Enter your email to reveal your coupon.

To configure the custom coupon message:

  1. Navigate to the Configure tab and open the Rewards section.

  2. Replace the text under the Earning Confirmation and Coupon Reveal text fields.

Customize the Intro page

Invite your customers to take your survey with an Intro page. The Intro page is the first page they will see when they begin a survey and you can configure it to show a welcome message.

  1. Click the Intro Page tab.

  2. Add a Title and a Subtitle (which is optional).

  3. Change the Button Text.

  4. Add your company logo or another brand image to your survey by selecting an option in the Image Type drop-down list.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • If you want to customize the Outro page, continue to the next section.

    • If you're finished making changes, click Add.

Customize the Outro page

Thank you customers for providing their insights with a personalized message on the Outro page. The Outro page is the last page they'll see when they complete the survey. You can configure this page to display a thank you message, a reward code, and a button that links to a page on your store's site.

To customize the Outro page

  1. Click the Outro Page tab.

  2. Add a Title and a Subtitle (which is optional).

  3. Select an option for the Button Type. For example, you can configure the button to link to a page in your store when clicked.

  4. Change the Button Text to match your store's voice and tone.

  5. Add your company logo or another brand image to your survey by selecting an option in the Image Type drop-down list.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • If you want to customize the Outro page, continue to the next section.

    • If you're finished making changes, click Add.

How rewards work on the Outro page

If you set up rewards for completed surveys, the rewards coupon code automatically appears on the Outro page. And when you configure the Outro page to include a button, Okendo applies the coupon at checkout. This gives your customers the chance to use their newly earned discount immediately.

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