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Understanding Survey Question Types
Amanda Calderon avatar
Written by Amanda Calderon
Updated over a week ago

You can choose from these nine different question types when you design your survey.

Question Type

What it does


Participants can select multiple answers to a single question.


Participants can select only one answer for a single question.


Participants can select between one and five stars to rate their experience.


Participants can assign a numerical value to rate their experience.


Net Promoter Score

Empowers you to capture and measure the likelihood that your customers would recommend your store.

Free Text

Participants can type an answer to your question.


Asks your participants to provide their email address.

You can toggle on the Ask for marketing content setting to get consent from your customers to receive marketing emails from you.

Content Page

Allows you to create a separator between questions if you intend to ask your participants different sets of questions.

This question type works for longer surveys with more questions so you can break it up into categories and sections.

Profile Question

Allows you to ask personalized questions to learn more about your customers.

You can also use profile questions to collect customer profile attributes when you embed this question type in your review process.

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