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Building a Quiz
Amanda Calderon avatar
Written by Amanda Calderon
Updated over 4 months ago

Use Okendo Quizzes to personalize each shopper's experience by asking relevant questions and recommending products that suit their preferences.

In this article, you'll learn how to:

Create a quiz

Follow these steps to create a quiz.

  1. Open your Okendo app.

  2. Navigate to Quizzes > Quiz List

  3. Click the + New Quiz button on the Quiz List page.

  4. Build your questions, answers and conditionalize as needed.

  5. Configure recommendations to display based on the user's answers.

Add questions

To start adding questions, click on the + button within the Questions section of the Build tab. You will have a choice of five different question types.

Question Types

Question Type

What it does


Participants can select only one answer for a single question.


Participants can select multiple answers to a single question.

Content Page

Create a separator between questions if you intend to ask your participant different sets of questions.

This question type works for longer quizzes so you can break it up into categories and sections.


Participants can assign a numerical value to rate their experience.


Participants can select between one and five stars to rate their experience.

Once you have selected a question type, add answer options by clicking +Add Option.

For Single-Select & Multi-Select question types, you can add images to each answer option by clicking on the icon to the left and uploading a custom image.

Settings available for Single-Select & Multi-Select questions include:

  • Randomize option order: The order of the options will be different for each quiz view.

  • Display as dropdown: Show a single dropdown menu containing each question option.

  • Include an option that allows custom input: Provide an option for users to enter text if their answer isn’t covered by one of the existing options.

Generate questions with AI

New questions can be generated with a quiz using AI. Click the + button to add a new question and then click Generate. A question and answer options will be generated within a few seconds. Question generation works best when there are already questions in the quiz as it uses that information to create additional relevant questions. This can be used to flesh out a quiz and collect additional information that may be useful for recommending products.

Email Question

The email question is fixed as the last question of the quiz. The question text can be customized to inform the quiz taker why it is being collected. The following options can also be toggled:

  • Ask for marketing consent: Enables a checkbox that allows a quiz taker to opt into marketing communications.

  • Require Customer Email: If enabled, the customer must provide their email address to view their product recommendations. If disabled, they may skip this questions.

The email address will automatically be pre-filled for quiz retakes and for other quizzes taken on the store.

Question Branching

Quiz questions can be branched so that they can be routed to different questions depending on a customer’s answers to them. For example, if a customer answers the question “What is your skin type” with “Oily Skin”, direct them to a question which asks where their skin is the most oily. If they answer with “Dry Skin” instead ask them where their skin is most dry.

You need to create a minimum of two questions before you can start adding conditions: the question that you want to conditionalize and a question that follows it. Only after you create the succeeding question you'll see the Add Condition button. Keep in mind that you can add multiple conditions to a single question.

To branch questions, click the 3-dot menu button at the top right of a question and click Add Branching. You can choose what question should be skipped to.

Further conditions can be added by clicking the 3 dots next to a condition and selecting Add condition below.

Thereafter you can specify what an answer should be equal to in order to progress to a specific question or straight to the recommendations.

Recommend Products

Recommendation pages are set up to display a combination of products from your store. Each recommendation page can be customized with its own content and styling.

There are two main facets to recommending products:

  1. Configuring the logic - The logic determines which recommendations are shown based on the user’s quiz answer. It consists of inclusion and exclusion conditions, as well as setting up a fallback recommendation page.

  2. Selecting products to recommend or configuring custom pages to redirect quiz takers to.

Learn more about configuring recommendations here.

Variant Display Options

Variants can be displayed as either option list or drop-down buttons on the recommendation page.

  1. Navigate to the Configure tab and expand the Recommendations section.

  2. Select the desired option from the Display Variants In drop-down.

The Option List can be useful for products with fewer variants, and can potentially improve conversion. Dropdown is more beneficial for products with many variants and provides a cleaner look.

Clone a Quiz

Quizzes in your store can be easily cloned, allowing you to duplicate existing quizzes within the same store. This feature is particularly useful for various scenarios, such as resetting test responses, or creating multiple quizzes with similar content or styling.

To clone a quiz:

  1. Click on the 3-dot menu next to a quiz on the list page.

  2. Click Clone.

  3. Rename the quiz, make any required changes and click Save.

Archive a Quiz

You may want to archive a quiz if it is no longer used, was created for testing purposes or was an AI-generated version that will not be published.

To archive a quiz:

  1. Click on the 3-dot menu next to a quiz on the list page.

  2. Click Archive.

  3. The quiz's status will change to Archived.

  4. Refresh the page and quiz will be hidden from view.

To view archived quizzes adjust the Quiz Status filter at the top of page. Archived quizzes cannot be edited or installed but historical analytics data can be viewed.

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