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Using Okendo Surveys with Shopify Flow
Adarsh Subramaniam avatar
Written by Adarsh Subramaniam
Updated over a week ago

You can utilize Shopify Flow to create automated workflows based off Okendo Surveys events. This article will detail example workflows which can be set up using these triggers. Ensure that the Shopify Flow app is installed on your store before proceeding.

In this article, you'll learn how to:

Okendo Survey Response Created

This event is triggered when a user submits a response to an Okendo survey. It contains the below variables:



Customer Display Name

The display name of the customer, which may be 'Anonymous' if Okendo cannot attribute a name to a survey response.

Survey Name

The name of the survey.

Date Created

The date and time (ISO 8601 in UTC) at which the survey response was submitted.

Achieved Reward

The type of reward that the customer achieved by responding to the survey. The value will be 'loyalty' or 'coupon' or an empty string if no rewards are given for this survey.


The customer's email address or an empty string (when you allow surveys without an email request question).

Example workflow: Deliver survey response notifications to Slack

  1. Open the Shopify Flow app.

  2. Click on Create workflow and then Select a trigger.

  3. Click into the Okendo section and select the Okendo Survey Response Created trigger.

  4. Click the + button on the trigger and add conditions defining the survey you would like to receive notifications for using the Survey Name variable.

  5. Add the action Send Slack message after clicking into the Slack section. Ensure that Shopify Flow is first connected to your Slack account. Define either the Channel, or Member ID you would like to send the notification to by following the specified notation.

  6. Define the message associated with the notification. You can utilize variables in the message such as {{SurveyName}} to provide more context. For example:

    You have received a new survey response to the survey {{surveyName}}.

  7. Your workflow should look similar to the below. When you are satisfied, turn on the workflow.

  8. Once you receive a survey response and the flow triggers, you should receive a notification in Slack.

Okendo NPS Survey Response Created

This event is triggered when a user submits a response to an NPS question within an Okendo survey. It contains the below variables:



Customer Display Name

The display name of the customer, which may be 'Anonymous' if Okendo cannot attribute a name to a survey response.

Survey Name

The name of the survey.

Date Created

The date and time (ISO 8601 in UTC) at which the survey response was submitted.


The customer's email address or an empty string (when you allow surveys without an email request question).


The Net Promoter Score (NPS) question that the customer answered.


The Net Promoter Score (NPS) given in response to the question. The value will be a number between 0 and 10 inclusive.

Example workflow: Create tickets in Gorgias based off NPS scores

  1. Open the Shopify Flow app.

  2. Click on Create workflow and then Select a trigger.

  3. Click into the Okendo section and select the Okendo NPS Survey Response Created trigger.

  4. Click the + button on the trigger and add conditions defining the Survey Name, Question and Score provided. For example you may only want to create a ticket if the NPS response is less than or equal to 6.

  5. Add the action Create a ticket after clicking into the Gorgias section and define the Subject of the ticket. Ensure that Shopify Flow is first connected to your Gorgias account.

  6. Enter a Subject and the variable {{email}} to the Customer's email section.

  7. Define the Content of the ticket. You can utilize variables in the message such as {{SurveyName}} and {{score}} to provide more context.

  8. Your workflow should look similar to the below. When you are satisfied, turn on the workflow.

  9. Once you receive a NPS survey response and the flow triggers, you should see a new unassigned ticket created within your Gorgias account.

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