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Set VIP tiers through Shopify Flow
Written by Glenn Lee
Updated this week

Merchants can now set a members VIP tier, using Shopify Flow. This Set VIP Tier action provides merchants with more options to trigger tier progression/regression, outside of Okendo Loyalty (eg special campaigns where VIP tier promotion is dependant on the purchase of particular items).

How to use the Set VIP tier action in a Shopify Flow

Access Shopify Flow, from Shopify Admin.

Select Create workflow to create a workflow.

When prompted, add a trigger and if necessary, conditions around the triggers.

Once the trigger and conditions have been set, select Then and when prompted, the Set VIP Tier action.

Select the relevant email address field, the destination tier name, the length of time (in months) the member stays on the tier and whether to Notify the customer of tier upgrades (optional).

Once satisfied with the workflow details, select Turn on workflow. A prompt confirming that the workflow is activated, will be displayed.

The workflow is now activated.

Error messages when using workflows, with VIP Tiers

Various checks are performed during both workflow creation/editing and when a workflow is run. During either of these activities, merchants may receive error messages for workflows, using the Set VIP Tier action.

Errors during workflow creation/editing

The following are a list of errors displayed when the merchant is attempting to create workflows, involving the Set VIP Tier action.

Error Message



Loyalty is not enabled on your plan

Loyalty is not enabled on the merchant's Okendo plan.

Enable Okendo Loyalty.

VIP Tiers are not enabled on your plan

VIP tiers have not been enabled against the loyalty program, most likely due to a manual program configuration (e.g. the merchant is part of an early adopter program).

Send a support ticket to Engineering to investigate.

No VIP Tiers available

VIP tiers have been enabled against a loyalty program, but no additional tiers (other than the base tier) have been set up.

Setup additional VIP tiers in the loyalty program.

Email address must be an email address variable

The email address variable (e.g.{{}}) is not recognised by Shopify Flow. This type of error is usually due to misspelling the variable name or by selecting the wrong variable type.

Check the variable entered is an email address variable or select an email address variable through Add a variable.

Tier name should be one of: X, Y, and Z

The tier name entered is not recognised by Okendo Loyalty. This is usually due to a misspelling or tier name changes that have not been updated in a workflow.

Ensure tier names, relevant to the loyalty program, are selected.

Tier change must be within 1 and 60 months

The number of months entered falls outside of the values allowed.

Make sure the number of months entered is between 1 and 60 months.

Errors when running workflows

Several checks are performed before running workflows involving the Set VIP Tier action, to ensure information sliugns between workflows, Shopify and Okendo Loyalty. The following are a list of errors, should they not.

Error Message



Loyalty is not enabled on your plan

Okendo Loyalty is not enabled on the merchant's plan.

Enable Okendo Loyalty.

Email address is missing or invalid

There is no email address on the order or member's account. Alternatively, the email record has been entered incorrectly.

Ensure a valid email address is entered against the order or member's account.

VIP Tiers are not enabled on your plan

VIP tiers have not been enabled against the loyalty program, most likely due to a manual program configuration (e.g. the merchant is part of an early adopter program).

Send a support ticket to Okendo to investigate.

No VIP Tier program active

VIP tiers have not been launched.

No VIP Tiers available

VIP tiers have been enabled against the loyalty program, but no tiers (other than the base tier) have been set up.

No available VIP Tiers matches the tier name provided

The name of the VIP tier added to the workflow, does not match any in Okendo Loyalty. This is most likely due to a misspelling of the tier name or tier name changes that have not been updated in Shopify Flow.

Ensure the names of VIP tiers in the loyalty program match those added to workflows.

Tier change must expire between 1 and 60 months

The number of months entered falls outside of the values allowed.

Make sure the number of months entered is between 1 and 60 months.

Customer not found

There is no record of the customer's within Shopify or Okendo.

The customer needs to create a Shopify account, before they can become a member.

Customer is not enrolled in Loyalty program

The customer does not have a member status of Enrolled. Only members with Enrolled status can be allocated against a tier,

The customer must enrol in the loyalty program.

Customer tier is locked

The member's tier cannot be changed. Most likely, this is due to a recent VIP tier change.

The member must first serve out the specified time assigned to a tier, before they can have their tier changed again.

If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.

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