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Food Attributes

A collection of attribute possibilities for food products.

Matt Goodman avatar
Written by Matt Goodman
Updated over a week ago

This article covers common attributes used by food retailers to capture insights into products and customers. 

If you need a refresher on the different attribute types please see this article.

Food Products

Attributes for Product Insights

Type: Range

  • Quality (Poor - Excellent)

  • Taste (Poor - Excellent)

  • Texture (Poor - Excellent)

Type: Multi-select

Title: Product Standouts
Options: Easy to Prepare, Delicious Flavour, Great Quality, Tasted Homemade, Great Value, Good Portion Size

Attributes for Customer Insights

Type: Single-select

Title: Gender
Options: Male, Female

Title: Household
Options: Cooking for me, Cooking for me & a partner, Cooking for the family

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