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Getting started with Attentive and Okendo
Getting started with Attentive and Okendo

Create more personalized text messages and email campaigns to boost engagement.

Simon Mainwaring avatar
Written by Simon Mainwaring
Updated over 2 months ago

Integrating Attentive with Okendo enables you to send review requests via text message and email to customers who have opted into receiving text messages while continuing to target other customers with review request emails.

💡 The Attentive integration with Okendo works across multiple products in Okendo's platform, including Reviews, Loyalty, Referrals, Quizzes and Surveys.

In this article, you'll learn about:

Authorizing Okendo to access Attentive

Click Connect.

Sign in to Attentive and click Authorize.

You will now be redirected back to Okendo.

Sample event data

After you install Attentive, Okendo sends a test payload to Attentive with a data sample that allows you to create your initial Journey's in Attentive. You can view all the events and properties sent to Attentive here.

Using Attentive with Okendo products

Depending on the Okendo product, you must complete some additional steps to start using Attentive and Okendo together.

⚠️ Attentive requires the user to set up automations, called Journeys, to trigger specific flows from Attentive.


Build a journey in Attentive to receive review requests and reminders from Okendo, and then create a sequence in Okendo to send review requests via SMS or email, depending on the customer's preferred method of communication.





Okendo events and property data sent to Attentive

Event name


Okendo Review Request

Review Request Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

Email Address:

First Name: Ocean

Last Name: Grove

Order Fulfilled Date: 2024-08-12 05:35:58

Order Number: TEST_0001

Products: [{"Image Url":"<","Review> Rating Urls":[{"Stars":1,"Url":"<"},{"Stars":2,"Url":""},{"Stars":3,"Url":""},{"Stars":4,"Url":""},{"Stars":5,"Url":""}],"Review> Url":"<","Variant> Name":"Bronze","Name":"Large Shirt"},{"Image Url":"<","Review> Rating Urls":[{"Stars":1,"Url":"<"},{"Stars":2,"Url":""},{"Stars":3,"Url":""},{"Stars":4,"Url":""},{"Stars":5,"Url":""}],"Review> Url":"<","Variant> Name":"Default Title","Name":"T Shirt"}]

Product IDs: [123464,12346]

Okendo Review Request Cancelled

No properties for this event

Okendo Review Created

Is Recommended: true

Language Code: "en"

Overall Sentiment: positive

Photo Count: 2

Product Name: Small Cat Toy

Review Body: I cannot believe how much I love this new product

Review Title: My New Favourite Product

Review Created Date: 2024-09-18T06:45:38.244Z

Reviewer Country Code: AU

Reviewer Display Name: Ocean G.

Reviewer Full Name: Ocean Grove

Reviewer Zone Code: Austalia/Sydney

Variant Name: 'Large'

Video Count: 1

ProductID: 123456

Rating: 4

SKU: 111

Source: write-review-button

VariantID: 654321


Coupon Description: $5 off your next order

Loyalty Events: OkendoLoyaltyEvent

Loyalty Points: 100

Loyalty Provider: LoyaltyLlama

Additional Review attributes

Size Purchased: 4

Body Shape: Hourglass

Size Purchased: 12 / L


Okendo Average Review Rating: 4

Okendo Has Submitted Media: true

Okendo Latest Review Rating: 4

Okendo Number of Reviews: 1

Opted In to Okendo Referrals


Locale: en

Customer Role: referrer

Referrer Name: Ocean Grove

Referrer Email:

Date Opted-In: 2024-11-05T07:37:47.959Z


Locale: en

Recipient Last Name: Ocean

Recipient First Name: Grove

Recipient Email:

Customer Role: recipient

Date Opted-In: 2024-11-05T07:37:47.959Z

Sent Okendo Referral

Locale: en

Referrer First Name: Ocean

Referrer Last Name: Grove

Recipient Email:

Customer Role: referrer

Date Sent: 2024-11-05T07:36:18.560Z

Okendo Referral Invitation

Locale: en

Referrer First Name: Ocean

Referrer Last Name: Grove

Recipient Email:

Customer Role: recipient

Date Sent: 2024-11-05T07:37:47.959Z

Okendo Shareable Link Used

Locale: en

Recipient Full Name: Ocean Grove

Recipient Email:

Customer Role: referrer

Date Opted-In: 2024-11-05T07:37:47.959Z

Received Okendo Referral Coupon

Coupon Code: OKR0-00000-TEST

Coupon Description: $10 off first order

Coupon Expiry Date: 2024-08-12T05:36:01.049Z

Date Received: 2024-08-12T05:35:55.144Z

Customer Role: recipient

Redeemed Okendo Referral Coupon

Date Redeemed: 2024-08-12T05:35:55.144Z

Customer Role: referrer

Order Discount Amount: 10

Order ID: TEST123456789

Order Number: TEST_0001

Order Total Price: 50

Okendo Referral Rejected

Referral Rejected events are not currently available

Recipient Event

Customer Role: recipient Should Notify Customer: true Rejection Reason: Invalid Email: Locale: en

Rejection Type: manual

Referrer Event

Customer Role: referrer Should Notify Customer: true 'Rejection Reason': Invalid Email: Locale: en

Rejection Type: manual

Enrolled in Okendo Loyalty

No properties for this event

Okendo Loyalty Points Awarded

Points Earned: 30

Description: Placed an Order

Action: Placed An Order

Okendo Loyalty Points Redeemed

Points Spent: 100

Description: Coupon Used

Coupon Code: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

Coupon Description: Sample Coupon

Okendo Loyalty Tier Changed

Earning Period End: 2025-06-19T02:44:44.415Z

Is Tier Upgrade: true

Old Tier: Bronze

New Tier: Silver

Okendo Loyalty Points Adjusted

Adjusted Amount: 42

Adjusted Description: Sample Points Adjustment

Submitted Okendo Quiz

Quiz with Recommended Products

0: {"question":"Preferred brewing method?","answer":"Pour over"}

1: {"question":"Roasts you enjoy","answer":["Light", "Medium"]}

2: {"question":"Do you brew while camping?","answer": "No"}

Quiz Name: What is the best coffee for you?

Recommended Product IDs: [123,456,789]

Preferred brewing method?: Pour Over

Roasts you enjoy: ["Light", "Medium"]

Do you brew while camping?: No

Quiz with Redirect URL

0: {"question":"What Size shirt are you?","answer":"Small"}

Quiz Name: What Shirt to Buy - RedirectUrl

Quiz Response ID: 12345

What Size shirt are you?: Small

Submitted Okendo Survey

Survey Name: Sample Survey

Email Address:

First Name: Ocean

Last Name: Grove

Sample Email Question:

Sample 5 Point Question: 5

Sample Multi-select Question:[ Sample Multi-select Answer #1, Sample Multi-select Answer #2, Sample Multi-select Answer #3]

Sample NPS Question: 5

Sample Single Select Question: Sample Single Select Answer

Sample Star Question: 5

Sample Text Question: Sample Text Answer

Customer profile attributes

There is no "event" name for these properties because we update the Attentive customer's attributes directly



Okendo general properties

Okendo Given Name: Ocean

Okendo Family Name: Grove

Okendo Average Review Rating: 4

Okendo Average Review Sentiment: positive

Okendo Latest Review Rating: 2

Okendo Latest Review Sentiment: negative

Okendo Latest NPS Category: Sample NPS Category

Okendo Latest NPS Date: 2025-06-19T02:44:44.415Z

Okendo Latest NPS: 9

Okendo Number of Reviews: 10

Okendo Number of Survey Responses: 3

Okendo Referral Shareable Link: <>

Okendo Number of Successful Referrals: 2

Okendo Latest Successful Referral Date: 2024-11-08T06:10:36.989Z

Okendo Total Successful Referral Revenue: 42

Okendo Loyalty Enrolment Date: 2024-06-19T02:09:49.226Z

Okendo Loyalty Next Birthday Date: 2024-11-08T06:10:36.989Z

Okendo Loyalty Points Balance: 381

Okendo Loyalty Points Expiry Date: 2024-11-08T06:10:36.989Z

Okendo Loyalty Program Status: Enrolled

Okendo Loyalty VIP Tier: Gold

Okendo Loyalty VIP Tier Expiry Date: 2024-11-08T06:10:36.989Z

Additional customer profile properties will be sent to Integrations based on the properties set up by merchants. These will be prefixed with Okendo for example "'Okendo Shirt Size': Medium" could be one of these profile properties.

❗️Attentive has a limitation on creating customer profile attributes where the value is not a simple string or number. Any "complex" properties like an object or list are not allowed by Attentive.

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