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Google Seller Ratings FAQs
Amanda Calderon avatar
Written by Amanda Calderon
Updated over 3 months ago

Find answers to these questions:

Does Okendo offer Google Seller Ratings?

Yes! Okendo does have the ability to request and collect site reviews which can be used as a seller rating in Google paid search ads. It is included with the Enterprise plan but can be added to all other plans for $99/month.

Is Okendo Google Verified for seller ratings?

Yes! Okendo is a Google Verified Seller Ratings Partner. Click here to see. We are also Google Product Rating Certified partners.

What are the requirements before Google Seller Ratings can be enabled?

  • There must be at least 100 collected eligible site reviews

  • Those reviews must have been collected within the last 12 months

  • The reviews must have an average star rating of at least 3.5 stars

What does Google consider as an eligible site review?

  • not incentivized

  • not syndicated from another store

  • not imported

  • not from Shopify Shop App

  • received within 90 days of the request (if from a review request email)

How does Okendo capture site reviews?

After a customer submits a product review, they have the opportunity to provide a site review on the Post-Review page. These site reviews establish the rating aggregate that appears for your store.

How can I use site reviews?

You can use site reviews as your seller rating in Google search ads, which can increase your ad clickthrough rates by up to 10%. You can also use site reviews in on-site widget displays, such as a review carousel for your homepage.

How does Okendo collect site reviews?

You can configure the Post-Review page to include the Site Review module, which asks customers to rate their experience at your store after they submit their reviews. This approach makes capturing site reviews a breeze since a customer is already highly engaged in the reviewing process.​

How do I incentivize site reviews?

You can use incentives to initiate the product review submission process, but you cannot directly incentivize site reviews which are collected upon the product review completion.

What sets Okendo apart from other providers?

Okendo enables all customers to leave both a product review and a site review. Most other review providers require you to configure a percentage of customers who will receive either a product reviews request or a site review request; rather than giving a customer the option to do both.

Will I lose my existing seller rating reviews when I migrate to Okendo?

No! You won't experience any disruption to your current seller rating. Your seller rating is based on reviews that are up to 12 months old; after a review is a year old, Google automatically dismisses it. Keep in mind the most important part of site reviews is the aggregate rating; not the total number of ratings.

Can I customize the site review option?

Yes! You can use the Enhanced Review Capture Form to style the Post-Review page, which is where the embedded site review module lives.

Will I experience a drop in the number of seller ratings I have?

Your existing seller ratings remain active for 1 year. So long as you are actively collecting site reviews, there should be a consistent flow.

Can I moderate my site reviews on Google?

No. Google doesn't allow moderation of site reviews. However, if you're leveraging site reviews in an on-site widget display, you can moderate which reviews appear in an on-site widget display.

What does it cost to add Google Seller Ratings to my Okendo plan?

Google Seller Ratings is included in the Enterprise plan and above but is available to add with all plans for $99/month.

Does the site review form appear only following high-star product reviews?

No. The site review option always appears after a customer submits a product review, regardless of product rating.

Can I send my imported site reviews to Google?

No. Google doesn't allow imported reviews.

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