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Style Settings Glossary

Understand how each style setting works in the Response Form

Amanda Calderon avatar
Written by Amanda Calderon
Updated over a week ago

You can find definitions for the style settings under these categories on the Review Capture page:



Allows customers to

Allows Social Login

Simplify the process of accessing their existing account in your Shopify store by using their social media account credentials to log in.

Capture Photos and Videos

Upload photos and videos to include with their reviews

Skip the Enhance Page

Toggle on if the want to skip this page during the review process

Hide Okendo Branding

Remove the "Powered by Okendo" branding that appears at the bottom of the Response Form



Allows you to

Header Image

Upload your store logo or branding image


Choose between a logo-style or banner-style image.

Link to Page

Link the image to a page in your store by providing a URL




Applies to

Brand Color

Rewards Banner, Star Color, Empty Star Color, "Agree & Submit" and "Submit" buttons, and Link Color

Primary Text Color

All text on all 3 pages (Review, Enhance, and Post-Review)

Secondary Text Color

Text that appears underneath any primary text



Applies to

Star Color

Star rating color when selected

Empty Star Color

Star rating color when not selected

Page Background Color

Area that covers most of the screen

App Background Color

Area on the form that surrounds the different sections of the form

Success Alert Color

Successful submission of a site review (similar in style to the reward banner)

Font Family

All text on the form

Primary Text Color

All text on all 3 pages (Review, Enhance, and Post-Review)

Secondary Text Color

Text that appears underneath any primary text

Border Style

All boxes, text fields, and buttons on Review, Enhance, and Post-Review tabs.

Border Color

Border around product image and lines that separate sections

Link Color

Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy links On Review and Enhance tabs

Link Hover Color

Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy links On Review and Enhance tabs

Text Fields


Applies to

Border Color

Border around these text fields:

  • Review Title

  • What did you think about <product name>?

  • Profile name

  • Profile email

Focus Border Color

Border of the field that contains the cursor

Focus Ring Color

Glow around the field that contains the cursor

Input Components


Applies to

Border Color

Border around these input options:

Review and Enhance pages:

  • Add Photos or Videos

  • Facebook and Google logins

  • Profile Picture

Post-Review page:

  • Review More Products

  • Shop More Top-Reviewed Products

Background Color

Area within the borders of these input options:

Review and Enhance pages:

  • Add Photos or Videos

  • Facebook and Google logins

  • Profile Picture

Post-Review page:

  • Review More Products

  • Shop More Top-Reviewed Products

Background Hover Color

Area within the borders of these input options when you hover over them:

Review and Enhance pages:

  • Add Photos or Videos

  • Facebook and Google logins

  • Profile Picture

Post-Review page:

  • Review More Products

  • Shop More Top-Reviewed Products

Text Color

Primary text color for these input options:

Review and Enhance pages:

  • Add Photos or Videos

  • Facebook and Google logins

  • Profile Picture

Post-Review page:

  • Review More Products

  • Shop More Top-Reviewed Products

Secondary Text Color

Secondary text color for these input options:

Review and Enhance pages:

  • Add Photos or Videos

  • Profile Picture

Icon Color

Icon image color for these input options:

Review and Enhance pages:

  • Add Photos or Videos

  • Profile Picture

Icon Background Color

Area behind icon image for these input options:

Review and Enhance pages:

  • Add Photos or Videos

  • Profile Picture

Icon Background Hover Color

The + button hover color when adding more than one media item to a review



For 'Agree & Submit' and 'Submit' buttons

Text Transform

Text appears as:

  • All lowercase

  • All uppercase

  • Mixed-case where the first letter is capitalized

Background Color

Changes the color of the button

Background Hover Color

Changes the button color when you hover over it

Border Width

Increase or decrease the button border width

Border Color

Changes the border color around a button

Border Hover Color

Changes the border color around a button when you hover over it



Applies to

Border Color

Border around each attribute box

Background Color

Color within each attribute box

Background Hover color

Color of each attribute box when you hover over it

Text Color

Color of text in each attribute box

Selected Background Color

Color of each attribute box when you select it

Selected Text Color

Color of the text in each attribute box when you select it

Center Marker Color

Color of the range for attributes that use a range


The rewards banner appears on the Review and Enhance pages of the review process and contains 2 icons: the rewards icon and the + icon.


Applies to

Banner Background Color

Background color of rewards banner on both Review and Enhance pages

Banner Icon Color

Color of icon images in rewards banner

Banner Icon Background Color

Color of background for both icons in rewards banner

Banner Text Color

Color of text within the rewards banner

Reward Achieved Color

Highlight color used when showing an achieved reward

Past Reward Color

Highlight color used when showing a previously achieved reward in comparison to a new reward

Show Congratulations Emoji

Displays the "ta-da" emoji ( πŸŽ‰ ) after a customer successfully submits their review

Progress Markers

Note that the progress markers appear only on the Enhance page.


Applies to

Marker Background Color

Background color to all markers regardless of if they've been completed or not

Complete Marker Color

Marker changes to this color when the customer completes this step

Incomplete Marker Color

Marker remains this color until the customer completes this step

Post-Review Modules

Note that the post-review modules appear only on the Post-Review page.


Allows customers to

Review Other Products

Review other products in their order

Shop More Products

Shop for additional products by providing links to those product pages

Site Review

Allows you to gather feedback from customers about their overall experience while shopping at your store

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