Reviews AI Summaries help condense customer feedback into short, actionable summaries. You can customize various options to your store’s preferences.
In this article you’ll how to:
Customize the Brand Tone
The brand tone setting dictates the overall personality and voice of the summaries. Choose one of the five options:
Tone Options
Playful and Casual: Lighthearted and fun, with a touch of personality.
Example: "Wow, our customers are head over heels for this! They're calling it their 'go-to' for a reason."
Friendly and Engaging: Relaxed yet professional, focusing on approachability.
Example: "Shoppers are thrilled with this product, often mentioning how it makes their day a little better."
Warm, Conversational, Objective (Default): Balanced and relatable, with an even mix of warmth and neutrality.
Example: "Customers love this product for its thoughtful design and ease of use — it's a crowd favorite!"
Neutral and Informative: Focused on facts, without embellishment, ideal for objectivity.
Example: "Many reviewers praise the product for its reliability and consistent performance over time."
Formal and Professional: Polished, authoritative, and precise, conveying expertise and credibility.
Example: "This product has garnered acclaim for its exceptional craftsmanship."
How to Set It
Navigate to Reviews and click on the Summaries link under the Configure section of the sidebar.
Select a Brand Tone from the dropdown menu.
Adjust Suggested Maximum Word Count
Define the length of your summaries. The suggested maximum word count ensures that newly generated summaries will have a length that is similar to the amount specified. By default it is set to 100 words.
How to Set It
Navigate to Reviews and click on the Summaries link under the Configure section of the sidebar.
Set a Suggested Max Word Count value between 50 and 150 inclusive.
Set a Prefix
The prefix is the opening phrase for your summaries. Use this to guide the tone or structure of the summary.
“Here’s what our customers are saying:”
“Customer feedback highlights:”
“What people love about us:”
How to Set It
Navigate to Reviews and click on the Summaries link under the Configure section of the sidebar.
Toggle the switch to turn on or off the Prefix for each summary. If turned on, by default the prefix will state “Customers Say.” If necessary, adjust the prefix to your liking. The prefix should be in the same language as the summary output language.
Change the Summaries' Language
The language setting determines the output of review summaries to match your target audience. Over 20 different languages are available to translate the summaries to.
How to Set It
Navigate to Reviews and click on the Summaries link under the Configure section of the sidebar.
Select your preferred language from the Language dropdown.
Once you have adjusted the settings for the above save your changes. Ensure you regenerate the summaries to view the adjusted outputs.