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Okendo Referral Program Tiers
Amanda Calderon avatar
Written by Amanda Calderon
Updated over a week ago

Okendo’s merchant referral program allows our customers to earn more as they refer more people. You can move through four tiers based on how many successful referrals you make. To be considered a successful referral, the merchant you referred must activate and pay for a plan with Okendo.

To count toward the next tier, you must achieve all successful referrals within a 365-day rolling period. For example, if you get three referrals, and then don’t make another referral until 11 months later, you'll have only one successful referral that counts towards moving to the next tier when the year rolls over to the next month.

On every tier, Okendo applies any extra billing credits to the next billing cycle. You can earn more than one credit per billing cycle and any amount over your subscription will carry forward to the next month. For example, if your monthly subscription is $99 and you refer three friends ($50 x 3 = $150 billing credit) in one month, you'll owe $0 that month, and then Okendo applies the additional $51 to your next monthly bill.

Tier 1

Everyone who successfully refers new customers to Okendo starts on Tier 1. This tier applies to your first five successful referrals. On this tier, you get:

  • $50 subscription credit per each successful referral. The credit or credits apply toward the amount you owe on your Okendo subscription in the month you earn the credit or credits.

  • Social shout-out after your first successful referral. After you make your first successful referral, we'll share your business across our social profiles.

Tier 2

On your sixth successful referral, you'll receive all the benefits of Tier 2. This tier applies through your tenth successful referral. On this tier, you get:

  • $100 subscription credit per each successful referral. The credit or credits apply toward the amount you owe on your Okendo subscription in the month you earn the credit or credits.

  • Social shout-outs and co-marketing opportunities. We'll continue to share your story on our social media, but on this tier, we can take it a step further. We can produce a case study, interview you for our blog, quote you as an expert in our content - anyway we can help tell your story!

  • Bonus credits for new product launches. When Okendo has an exciting new product, you can earn extra billing credits for helping us get the word out. Any new referrals you make during a product launch period are eligible for bonus referral credits.

Tier 3

On your 11th successful referral, you'll receive additional referral credit and all of the benefits of Tier 3 as well as Tier 2. This tier applies through your 25th successful referral. On this tier, you get:

  • $150 subscription credit per each successful referral. The credit or credits apply toward the amount you owe on your Okendo subscription in the month you earn the credit or credits.

  • Become a staple in our marketing materials. On this tier, you’re a star in the Okendo marketing world. Your logo is on our website, we feature your brand in our marketing materials, and we will always share your business’s story - however you want to share it, we’re open!

  • Early access to new products. Not only do you get to earn bonus opportunities for new product launches, but on this tier, you can also get early access to test out our new products! This gives you the opportunity to expand your Okendo experience, provide feedback, and really have a hand in making Okendo work best for you.

Tier 4

On your 26th successful referral, you'll receive even more referral credit and all of the benefits of Tier 4 as well as Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3! Congrats, you’ve reached the top when you hit Tier 4! On this tier, you get:

  • A completely free Okendo account. Monthly billing is a thing of the past on Tier 4! Your Okendo subscription is on us from here on out.

  • Exclusive invite to a private VIP Slack channel. This Slack channel gives you access to our team at Okendo and other VIP Okendo customers. Ask questions, get feedback, suggest product enhancements, and get the most out of your business through this private channel.

  • FREE trip to visit the Okendo team in Miami or Syddey! What’s better than a vacation to Miami, Florida, or Sydney, Australia? A free vacation to Miami, Florida, or Sydney, Australia! On Tier 4, we’re paying your way to visit either our US or Australian headquarters.

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